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Can anyone evaluate ArthroCare Case? I need the detail of

p>1.What insights did you gain about the process of innovation from the “Background” section of this case?2.How would you evaluate ArthroCare’s financial performance to date (as compared to the projections provided in Exhibit 3)? Is this performance fairly reflected in the stock price, or has the market over-reacted?
3.What key assumptions (implicit in ArthroCare’s strategy and business model) have changed materially from the time of the initial IPO until the end of the case? How have these changes impacted ArthroCare’s strategy and financial performance?4.At the end of the case, Dr. Thapliyal faces two strategic decisions: (a) pricing for the controller; and (b) level of investment in R&D to broaden the Company’s markets. Both involve tradeoffs between short term performance and long term growth, marketplace viability and financial return. To what extent do the expectations of the marketplace and key shareholders constrain his options? What would you recommend in each case?

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