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Can someone please give me some serious advice, this is my

p>well what happened was
we were watching american idol and a comercial came on about these auditions for modeling and acting. so i called and signed up because I have always wanted to be an actress since like the age of 5.
so we went [me n my mom] and I did really good but was a little worried because only 5 percent of everyone who auditioned would get in. and there was over 1000 people there auditioning. so this morning when we called to get the results i was SO happy, they chose me!! the next step in the process would be to go to this fancy "camp" thing but its more like actress/modeling training. its a 4-day thing were they teach you all about show business and do real tapings and practice commercials and then have an awards ceremony. its in conneticut and while your there you stay at the marriot hotel, and the price of the hotel is included in the package price.
well my mom just finished paying off ,000 worth of creddit cards and is starting over fresh without them. but she doesnt have any money right now, and she just used it all to pay off the credit cards. she doesnt want to go back into debt so she wont do it for me and it makes me really sad becuz i was really excited about finally getting my chance. [i forgot to mention but on the 4th day they have talent scouts come that are respected and well known in the business, such as larry lafond and ryan daly.] so its REALLY REALLY worth it but she said no and im like so depressed… what should I do??

oh and its about ,000

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