Credit Risk Management : Basic Concepts: Financial Risk
Credit Risk Management : Basic Concepts: Financial Risk Components, Rating Analysis, Models, Economic and Regulatory Capital
Credit Risk Management: Basic Concepts is the first book of a series of three with the objective of providing an overview of all aspects, steps, and issues that should be considered when undertaking credit risk management, including the Basel II Capital Accord, which all major banks must comply with in 2008. The introduction of the recently suggested Basel II Capital Accord has raised many issues and concerns about how to appropriately manage credit risk. Managing credit risk is one of the next big challenges facing financial institutions. The importance and relevance of efficiently managing credit risk is evident from the huge investments that many financial institutions are making in this area, the booming credit industry in emerging economies (e.g. Brazil, China, India, …), the many events(courses, seminars, workshops, …) that are being organised on this topic, and the emergence of new academic journals and magazines in the field (e.g. Journal of Credit Risk, Journal of Risk Mod
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