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How to approach this Business with Proposition?

Question by ryan s: How to approach this Business with Proposition?
Hello, I’m starting a business. My business model would consist of me helping a couple companies with the sale of their products. I’m not gonna go into details of the business however I have one issue. The only companies who are in this industry are large national companies and considering I’m a 19 year old entrepreneur still in the process of launching his start-up, it will be tough to get a hold of the heads of a billion-dollar company. The industry is Amusement parks and the only major players in that industry are Six Flags and Cedar Fair. Both are billion dollar companies. The fact is that my business really would help their bottom line and increase sales and profits. How would you suggest approaching these companies. There are only two major companies I could work with and they are both based out of another state so it would be expensive to just show up at their offices. I know that emails work but I doubt an email would end up going in the inbox of someone important in the company. Also, billion dollar companies don’t post the email address of the CEO and other top staffers. They only have general email addresses.

I very much appreciate any advice you can offer.
In response to PeagusUSA’s answer. My idea has worked in industries with similar business models. The other industries had similar ways of getting profit. I appreciate your advice but I was not asking if it was possible, I was asking for the best method to contact the people I need to. I have done my homework on this and my business would help people in this industry. I don’t need advice on if I can make it because you don’t know my idea, therefore your advice is useless because your saying it will not work when you do not know the idea.

The only advice I want is how to contact the top company execs, I’ll take care of making the idea work.

Great answer:

Answer by pegasusaig
Having what you consider a great idea does not make it a great idea. Your lack of experience would easily lead you to genuinely believe you are right; I understand that. But assuming you could contact the CEO’s of those corporations, you would still have no foundation for the idea. Lacking any experience in their business, there is a vast amount you don’t know- things that probably makes the idea useless. Lacking some record of accomplishment or credential in their industry, I would say there would be a prejudice against such an idea that would make it impossible to sell.

On the other hand, it might be sold to some organization that was small. If you do that and there is some remarkable success as a result, then you approach a much larger one. If your idea succeeds again, then you might have sufficient credentials to approach the big boys. Nothing succeeds like success.

I do think your ambition is laudable, and I encourage it. Just try to be realistic.

Most people would like to start at the top. Nobody succeeds unless you have solid proof of a very profitable idea, and that is rare.

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