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OneNote for Accountants

OneNote for Accountants

OneNote for Accountants

Information Chaos? Use OneNote to Bring Order to Your Work.
As accountants, we are constantly bombarded with all kinds of information, from financial reports to client phone numbers. Often, this information gets written down on random scraps of paper or post-it notes, only to get lost in the paper shuffle. Or even worse, it doesn’t even get written down, and is quickly forgotten.
Many of us have tried using to-do lists, Daytimers, or Outlook to bring some semblance of order to our work life. But while each of these have their strengths, it’s not always easy to keep using them consistently, and information continues to get lost in the flow.
Fortunately, Microsoft has given us an ideal solution: OneNote. Although OneNote is often overlooked because of the simple interface and its reputation as a tool made for students, not professionals, it is truly a powerful program, and it is gaining more and more acceptance in the workplace as a versatile tool for storing many form


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