Root Cause Analysis Made Easy: A Guide for Investigating
Root Cause Analysis Made Easy: A Guide for Investigating Errors and Improving Processes
This book contains all you need to know about Root Cause Analysis. It includes guidance for investigating and understanding process failures and human errors. You will learn techniques for collecting information, conducting interviews, organizing data, evaluating failures, determining root causes, and selecting corrective actions.
Cheryl McMahan wrote this book because she believes other root cause publications are difficult to follow and contain too much information. She has simplified the process, provided specific directions for when and how to use the tools, and expanded applicability of the techniques for understanding work processes and solving everyday problems. You will learn how to use Root Cause Analysis for human errors and process failures without the need for training.
Completely Updated and RevisedThis revised edition of Peter Senge’s bestselling classic, The Fifth Discipline, is based on fifte…
This is a ground-breaking book, primarily in its successful attempt to operationalise and provide empirical foundations for proced…