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What’s Your Elevator Pitch For Scrum?

As a Scrum Master you ought to remain prepared to answer the question,”Therefore, what’s Scrum thing about”. However, I think your teams should be too.

But now I’m working with more sales and service groups rather than simply software groups I might reply in a more generic way, like Scrum is all about assisting your organisation grow by empowering your groups and putting in place a very simple framework to help them collaborate.

A couple of years ago I went on a training course given by Ralph Kimball, the”inventor” of the Data Warehouse. For me was something that he stated that applied to teams not only Data Warehouse 27, it was a wonderful experience but one of the learnings.
But I’m usually anticipating a follow up question about that. Like”fine, how can you do this?”

My response is the answer that lots of Masters use to answer just about any question.

Nowadays I just say,”I help teams work together… much better”.

If I wish to provide a quick, snappy response I would simply mention that Scrum is all about”getting stuff done”.

Consequently, if I’m speaking to someone who has some kind of background in IT even if they are non-technical I’d say that Scrum is all about focussing on providing business value in an iterative and incremental manner and in a way which lets the business to react to feedback and discovery and alter priorities.

“Well, it depends.”
Additionally, it’s helpful to have an answer at the back of mind for when you’re at parties or with friends members and family and somebody asks what it is that you do back exactly.

Ralph suggested that everyone on your staff ought to be a salesman. In fact, he stated that everybody is still a salesman. If your customer or CEO or CTO or one of your senior stakeholders lumps into you or one of your staff in the lift and states”I hear you’re working with this endeavor, what would you tell m… Read More

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