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A number of terms are listed below:?

p>Value chain, Six Sigma, enterprise risk management,
Supply china management, budget, internet,
Lean thinking model, nonconstraint, pulls,
Customer value proposition, business process, constraint,
Corporate governance, Theory of Constraint, enterprise system,
Strategy, non-value-added activity, Just-In-Time,

Choose the term or terms from the above list that most appropriately completes each the following statements:

1. A(n)__________ is a game plan that enables a company to attract customers by distinguishing itself from competitors.
2. ______________is a method that relies on customer feedback and objective data gathering and analysis techniques to drive process improvement.
3. A(n) _____________is a series of steps that are followed to carry out some task in a business.
4. The system by which a company is directed and controlled is called_________________.
5. The process used by a company to help identify the risks that it faces and to develop responses to those risks so that the company is reasonably assured of meeting its goals is known as ___________________.
6. A production and inventory control system in which materials are purchased and units are produced only as needed to meet actual customer demand is known as _______________.
7. The _______________ fuels the globalization phenomenon by providing companies with greater access to geographically dispersed customers, employees, and suppliers.

8. A(n) ____________ is anything that prevents an organization or individual from getting more of what it wants.
9. Increasing the rate of output of a(n) ____________ as the result of an improvement effort is unlikely to have much effect on profits.
10. A(n)____________ consists of business functions that add value to a company’s products and services such as research and development, product design, manufacturing, marketing, distribution, and customer service.
11. A(n)____________ integrates data from across an organization into a single centralized database that enables all employees to access a common set of data.
12. A management approach that coordinates business processes across companies to better serve end consumers is known as ______________.
13. The ________________ is a five-step management approach that organizes resources around the flow of business process and that _______________ units through those processes in response to customer orders.
14. A company can only successes if it creates a reason for customers to choose it over a competitor; in short, a _____________.
15. A(n) ___________ is a detailed plan for the future, usually expressed in formal quantitative terms.
16. A(n)___________ consumes resources but does not add value for which customers are willing to pay.
17. The management approach that emphasizes the importance of managing constraints is known as the ____________.

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