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Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design, Second

Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design, Second Edition

Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design, Second Edition

Most textbooks on business process management focus on either the nuts and bolts of computer simulation or the managerial aspects of business processes. Covering both technical and managerial aspects of business process management, Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design, Second Edition presents the tools to design effective business processes and the management techniques to operate them efficiently. New to the Second Edition Three completely revised chapters that incorporate ExtendSim 8 An introduction to simulation A chapter on business process analytics Developed from the authors’ many years of teaching process design and simulation courses, the text provides students with a thorough understanding of numerous analytical tools that can be used to model, analyze, design, manage, and improve business processes. It covers a wide range of approaches, including discrete event simulation, graphical flowcharting tools, deterministic models for cycle time analysis and capacity de



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